Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Mary TV Daily Reflection 11/09/10

little boys praying



November 9, 2010

Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children! With motherly perseverance and love I am bringing you the light of life to destroy the darkness of death in you. Do not reject me, my children. Stop and look within yourselves and see how sinful you are. Be aware of your sins and pray for forgiveness. My children, you do not desire to accept that you are weak and little, but you can be strong and great by doing God's will. Give me your cleansed hearts that I may illuminate them with the light of life, my Son. Thank you." (November 2, 2010)

"My children, you do not desire to accept that you are weak and little." 

Our Lady calls us children.  Over and over, in every message she calls us her children, even her "little" children!  She doesn't want us to forget how weak and little we are.  It is a very important part of her messages.  Let me quote some more from St. Therese of Lisieux:

"I assure you that God is even kinder that you think.  He is satisfied with a look, a sigh of love --- I have realized that all one has to do is take Jesus by the heart.  Consider a small child who has displeased his mother, by flying into a rage or perhaps disobeying her; if he sulks in a corner and screams in fear of punishment, his mother will certainly not forgive his fault.  But if he comes to her with outstretched arms, smiling and saying, 'Kiss me, I won't do it again,' surely his mother will immediately press him tenderly to her heart, forgetting all that he has done." (Letter to Leonie, July 12, 1896)

Our Lady is just such a mother, and she knows that Jesus is just like her.  They both see us in our weakness and absurdity, and they love us so much.  Though we sin so easily, it only takes one openhearted plea for forgiveness and we are back in their arms, smothered with love!  Our littleness is not an obstacle to our holiness, only our stubbornness and pride. 

We are children!  We are the little ones that Jesus loves so much.  If we could remember this, our relationship with the Lord would be so different.  Remember what Jesus said:

"Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.  In truth I tell you, anyone who does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."  Then he embraced them, laid his hands on them and gave them his blessing." (Mark 10:14-16)

Many times the little child that we hinder from coming to Jesus is ourself!  We are so used to thinking of ourselves as grownups with great responsibilities and tasks at hand that we forget that we are really children of God, dependent and reliant on Him alone.  All that we do and have is a gift from Him.  We are nothing without God.  We are His children.  But we don't let our inner child run to Jesus.  We hold back, not understanding how much we need His love.

Through the intercession of St. Therese, may we allow the child within to run to Jesus, to ask for forgiveness for our sins, and to receive the incredible love that Jesus has for us.  May we become like little children, and receive the Kingdom of Heaven right now, in our hearts! 

In Jesus and Mary!
Cathy Nolan

PS.  These quotes from St. Therese of Lisieux come from a little book called The Little Way of Saint Therese of Lisieux, Into the Arms of Love, by John Nelson.  What a wonderful book to take into prayer! (It is published by Liguori Publications in the U.S. - by The Little Way Association, in the U.K.)


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