This has to be a joke! I can't believe that anyone would buy this product if this is a true advertisement!
The Pope's Cologne Creates World's First Scratch 'n' Sniff Holy Card
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Nov. 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- Smelling is believing! The Pope's Cologne ( announced today that it has created the world's first scratch 'n' sniff holy card.
Image via Wikipedia
The new holy card commemorates the life and work of the 19th Century Roman Catholic Pope, Blessed Pius IX (Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti, 1792-1878) and contains a "scratch 'n' sniff" tab scented with the authentic fragrance of His Holiness's personal cologne.
This is maddening! Now what if I become a saint and they bottle my smell, especially my feet, it will destroy the world! Most people can't stand to be near me now, imagine when I'm dead! How about you? Do you have some exotic smell to pass on to future generations? Will it be your body odor? How about your breath? Have you used mouthwash lately? I have and it has not worked. Please don't dig me up after I've departed, my body will be corrupt and I need to be prayed for and to rest in peace, not smelled after.
Thanks for you help! I'll smell you in heaven!
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