September 11, 1994
Mary's Heart
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R. It is through Mary's heart I know the Heart of Jesus more. She carried Him in her womb. She took Him to the temple. She fled with Him into Egypt. She lost Him for a brief time. She cared for Him all through His young life. She watched Him heal the sick and preach the love of God. She watched the gentle ways of God. She knew His joy and suffering. She knew His Heart. She walked next to Him on Calvary and peered into His eyes. She stood under His cross and watched Him die. She held His lifeless body. She cried outside of His tomb and she saw His beautiful body after the Resurrection. She saw Him ascend into heaven.
How well does the heart of Mary know and love the Heart of Jesus! She is closer to Him than is any other human person. The Father and Holy Spirit are one with Him. It is through this knowing of His most tender Heart that she wants to place us so tenderly into Jesus' Heart. She, who knows His Heart so well, she who is without sin, she who is close to Him, she who loved Jesus and knew Him so dearly, she is the way to reach the deepest part of His Heart. She is the door to Jesus. It is through her heart that I am most closely united in deepest love with my Jesus.
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Mary knows the Father's love. It was He Who created her sinless and chose her to be the Mother of His Son. She knew well the love of her Spouse, the Holy Spirit. She was filled with the Holy Spirit when Jesus was conceived. She was filled with the Holy Spirit at Elizabeth's house. She was filled all through her life. She was filled on Pentecost. She knew the love of the Holy Spirit. She is the human person closest to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is through her most knowing and loving heart that we will reach the deepest intimacy with God.
Prayer: Mary, through your Immaculate Heart, place us in the deepest part of Jesus' Heart so we can more deeply love Him. It is through your heart and Jesus' Heart we want to have a deeper union with the Father.
Dear Holy Spirit, impart to us
Image by hickory hardscrabble via Flickr
Your gifts to lead us to such love, to union with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Lead us in Your ways to know God and love Him more fully. Give us all Your seven gifts: Wisdom, Knowledge, Piety, Fear of the Lord, Understanding, Fortitude, Counsel. Lead us to greater union with God. Impart to us the fire of Your love. Where we were once blind, let us see. Fill us with Your love, Oh, Holy Spirit, through Mary's Immaculate Heart, we pray. Amen.
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