Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A letter from Anne, a lay apostle . . .

Direction for Our Times


August 29th, 2012

A letter from Anne...

Dear fellow apostles,

It is with great joy that I greet you today.
We, Direction for Our Times, have acquired the property known as the Abbey. Yes, dear apostles, the Lay Apostolate of Jesus Christ the Returning King has a headquarters for the future! We are the official owners. May God be praised.

Meanwhile, as Ryan told you, we recently finished another retreat with fifty young college students. Three days of immersing ourselves together in the beauty of the Catechism and our Catholic faith left us all filled with hope and enthusiasm. To participate in the youth activities of this apostolate leaves little room for doubt that God is serious about Renewal.

"And you will be part of the greatest renewal in the 

   history of your world" (Jesus, Vol 1.)

If the retreats for young people were all that was happening, it would be enough. But simultaneously, our work with prisons continues to thrive. This is the result of committed lay apostles, dynamic prison chaplains and also many, many holy prisoners. May God make us all worthy of this sublime work which brings hope to so many who are incarcerated, and, through their efforts and prayers, their families.

"And you will be part of the greatest renewal in the 

   history of your world"

In the meantime, our prayer groups soldier on, receiving God's graces and drawing others into the spirituality which is helping to develop a co-responsible laity, meaning, a lay people who take equal responsibility with clergy for the spread and identity of the Church on earth. This is us, apostles! And through all of our efforts, the apostolate in India has anchored itself by the forming of many prayer groups. Many blessings are being received through the veneration of the image of Jesus Christ, the Returning King there. This is no surprise to us but fills us with gladness all the same.

"And you will be part of the greatest renewal in the 

   history of your world" 

I, myself, recently heard the testimony of a former prisoner who, upon release from prison, made it his ministry to bring whatever Volumes he could afford each month and hand deliver them back to the prison. "Anne," he said, "These books are like water to men in a desert. I know what they need and that's why I do it."

"And you will be part of the greatest renewal in the 

   history of your world" 

We, DFOT, and you, the dedicated apostles serving alongside us, are working hard. It is clear that if a renewal is to happen swiftly, it will require the following: a co-responsible laity acting with serious commitment to their vocation and serving in communion with the local parish and home diocese. If this occurs, a global renewal occurs. We must always remember that the Church can only be reclaimed through personal holiness.
Rejoice, dear friends. God has asked for our help and we have answered yes.

With love from your sister in Christ,
Anne, a lay apostle

direction For Our Times relies on donations to supplement the cost of publishing the messages. Currently, only 40% of the publishing cost is covered by the sale of the books. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
Direction for Our Times (DFOT) is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to spreading God's messages as revealed in the Volumes.

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