Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Pray more than ever..."

Medjugorje Headlines

"Pray more than ever..."

Our Lady of Medjugorje August 17, 2012 A.D.

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August 17, 2012 A.D.

Amother always knows her children, and when one of her little ones is hurt or missing, she always knows them by their cry, even if she can’t see them, and she sends out her call and looks diligently to gather them all together, under one roof, and safe from every danger. Our Lady, the Perfect Mother, has called Her children together tonight, some faithful, some wavering, perhaps some missing, but each crying out in their souls, and their cry recognized by the Mother; and they gathered under the vault of heaven, with the stars as the witness of each man, called from every corner of the world, each from his own land, as if summoned to be with the Mother. Tonight, thousands were present at the Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje as Our Lady appeared during Ivan’s prayer group; and as the time of the Rosary approached, every space around the Blue Cross and surrounding area would be filled. The Rosary began around 9:30 PM, with singing between the decades. Our Lady appeared around 10:00 PM, and She stayed for a little over five minutes, a five minutes in which Heaven was opened in a special way to listen to the prayer of every heart in union before Our Lady, and every heart brought there only in prayer.


In Our Lady’s Love,
A Friend of Medjugorje

August 17, 2012, Apparition at the Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain 
with Medjugorje Visionary Ivan

Following is Ivan’s description of the apparition of August 17, 2012:

“Tonight, as every day after meeting with Our Lady, I would like to share with you what is the most important from tonight’s meeting with Her. Tonight Our Lady came to us very joyful and happy and at the beginning as always She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.”

Then Our Lady said:

‘Dear children, also today, in a special way I call you to pray for my priests, for my beloved; to pray for the bishops and for the Holy Father. Pray, dear children, for my shepherds. Pray more than ever. The Mother prays together with you and is with you, therefore persevere in prayer and pray together with me for my intentions. Thank you dear children, also today, for having responded to my call.’

Our Lady then for a while with Her arms extended, prayed over all of us here. In a special way She prayed over the sick present here. She then blessed all of us with Her Motherly Blessing and blessed all religious articles brought for blessing. I then recommended all of you, all your needs, all your intentions, all your families and especially all the sick. Our Lady then continued to pray for a while, with Her arms extended, over all those present here. Especially, for a while, She prayed for priests present and priests generally. She then left in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

I would like to emphasize that tonight Our Lady called us all “more than ever” especially to pray for priests, the bishops and the Holy Father.”

Carry the wheelchair Ivan Prayer Group August 17, 2012It is a common scene in Medjugorje, to see hands reach out to help those who desire to be present with Our Lady on the mountain, but because of physical limitations are unable to do so on their own. But, who so often is the one who receives the greater grace, is the one who volunteers to help. For many, taking on the temporary burden of lifting and carrying the heavy weight on treacherous ground, they come face to face with how difficult life is for so many people, making their own crosses seem so small in comparison. We have seen people moved to tears when this realization comes to them through the physical labor of carrying someone up Cross Mountain or Apparition Mountain. The feelings of remorse, repentance, and finally gratitude overwhelm them. It is deeply moving to see these kind souls, after everyone has safely made it up and down the mountain, turn to the person in the wheelchair and with all their heart say to them, “thank you.” The unexpected graces in Medjugorje are the ones that make the deepest impact.

The Blue Cross Ivan Prayer Group August 17, 2012The sun kisses the Blue Cross with a single ray, as if blessing the spot where Our Lady appears in Her apparitions to Medjugorje visionaries Ivan and Mirjana. This is just a few hours before Our Lady’s apparition tonight, August 17, 2012, to Ivan. May the light of the Son, also bless each of us. This is the desire of Our Lady.
December 8, 2009
"… I desire, my children, that through this time of grace, you open your hearts to the Light, the light of My Son and that the light of My Son may enter into your hearts and illuminate your heart and soul that you may be happy…”

The Blue Cross Ivan Prayer Group August 17, 2012Walking the road of conversion can be a long journey. It takes work to keep our hearts from turning to stone, and to keep the spiritual lessons fresh and green so they don’t shrivel up like old leaves. Our Lady wants to be in the center of our heart, She with Her Son. If They are kept in our hearts, They will prevent our hearts from being overtaken by hardness that kills love. A Friend of Medjugorje has often encouraged people to be diligent in maintaining our spiritual lives. It’s not time for us to relax. We are still in the midst of the battle. In his writing entitled, Be Strong! Do Not Relax! He said:
“I saw in a farming magazine the other day a guy who is 53 years old. He said it’s time for him to slow down. He’s built his farm, he wants to pass it on to his kids, and he wants to relax a little bit. A woman interviewed me on the plane coming home from Medjugorje. She asked, ‘What’s your resolution when you get home?’ I said, ‘Continue.’ She said, ‘That’s your answer?’ I said that’s my answer, ‘Continue. I’m going to continue.’”
After 31 years of apparitions, we are thankful to Our Lady that She has also continued. She continues to come, to bless, to speak, to love. That alone should give us the impulse to “continue” on.
March 25, 2007
"Dear children… I am with you and I am not tired…”

The crowd at Ivan's Prayer Group August 17, 2012

Our Lady appeared at the Blue Cross, tonight, on Apparition Mountain around 10:00 p.m. Night falls on Medjugorje and with it, comes Our Lady. Though it is always beautiful to be in the presence of Our Lady, there is something special about the apparitions at night on Apparition Mountain. Perhaps, when night falls, the day’s cares fall with it and there is more room in the heart to let Our Lady fill with Her presence.

June 20, 1985

"Dear children…I wish to tell you to open your hearts to the Master of all hearts. Give me all your feelings and all your problems! I wish to comfort you in all your trials. I wish to fill you with peace, joy, and love of God…”

Colombo, Sri Lanka
Thanks Mother! for coming to Medjugorje, and for giving your motherly love and concern to the world. As a mother you were persuading us to be Holy.Your great concern for priests is the most important message to the entire world.The evil one is trying hard to take priests for him. We must pray for them individually and altogether. I can imagine the serenity in the site of blue cross. You all are so lucky my friends, I am longing to come over there and be with you. Please pray for me.
Brigitte Hart
Dixon, California - USA
Our Lady comes as a true Mother. The more I follow Our Lady's messages, the more She shows me, teaches me, and encourages me... to persevere in prayer. I learn so much from Her and Blessed Mother continues to confirm my path and leads me on a way that I would never have known without Her continued guidance. I love our priests and pray everyday for all the beautiful bishops and priests by name, that Jesus has put into my life, now, at this time...especially our Holy Father. I also pray especially for all those who guide us into the light of Truth. May God continue to bless the mission of Caritas of Birmingham! Thank you.
Vincent J. Joyce
Willoughby, Ohio - USA
I remember when I was a child. I prayed to the Blessed Virgin to take a infection from my fingers. I wrapped a green scapular aroun my finger and went to sleep, when I woke up in the morning the puss had come out of my finger, and I have never had an infection in my hands or fingers since. I am 67 yrs. old. I need prayers to restore my faith, I feel lost.
Fort Kent, Maine - USA
Our only pilgrimage to Medjugorje was in June of 1991 and our hope is to someday return. Till then, be assured receiving these messages keeps the flame alive. Thank you, thank you. Alain and Louise

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