Friday, April 19, 2013

From The Friars eLetter: Hope And Consolation

Between us and God there is always what I like to call an “unfair exchange.” On even your best days you simply cannot give God even half of what he continually gives you.

On the day of your baptism what did you bring to God? You arrived at the baptismal font with a frail and scattered humanity, while in return God welcomed you into his family as an adopted child and from that day until now he has dwelt in the depths of your soul. Every time when you approach him in the sacrament of confession what do you bring to God? You come with your sinfulness, your brokenness and all the things you most likely do not want other people to know. In return for those things God gives you love, mercy and forgiveness. Every time you approach him in the Eucharist you are there with such a variety of experiences; joy, fear, hope, sadness, heartache, etc and yet God always gives you his body, blood, soul and divinity. No exceptions!

Does the fact that there is little you can do for God overwhelm you? On the contrary this knowledge should fill you with joy and leave you marveling at the generosity and love of God who always pours himself out abundantly for you. Don’t try to figure it out, don’t try and convince yourself that you do or do not deserve it, simply receive it into the depths of your being and take great delight in the strange yet beautiful ways that God chooses to work in your life.

God bless you,
Fr. Jeremiah Myriam Shryock, CFR
Sacred Heart of Jesus Friary
Fort Worth, TX
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