Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Injury keeps Vicka from pilgrims

New Injury keeps Vicka from pilgrims

Visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic is going through complicated back therapy and cannot talk to pilgrims in the months to come. Though another operation is not on schedule, it is unknown how long she will take to recover. Once more, a push from a pilgrim is the cause of her absence.
medjugorje seer visionary veggente vicka ivankovic mijatovic spine injury injured pilgrim absent absence gone pilgrims pilgrim april aprile may maggio 2013 operation therapy back
Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic. Photo: Marco Piagentini

Medjugorje pilgrims are unlikely to get a glimpse of visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic when next month sees the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the Virgin Mary’s apparitions.
In April, another close encounter with an enthusiastic pilgrim ended up injuring Vicka’s spine, forcing her to leave Medjugorje for an unspecified time of medical treatment.
medjugorje visionary seer veggente voyante seherin vicka ivankovic mijatovic apparitions apparizione virgin mary our lady madonna bethlehem israel august agosto 2012
Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic. Photo: Daniel Miot,

“She was taken to Rome for exams of her spine, and then treated in Zagreb. For the moment the doctors do not plan on another operation, but she must undergo very delicate back therapy that might last some time” the Medjugorje based French nun Sister Emmanuel Maillard writes in the recent newsletter of her organisation, Children of Medjugorje.
sr sister seur emmanuel maillard children enfants medjugorje
Sr Emmanuel Maillard

“So she will not be able to continue her marvelous welcoming of pilgrims in Medjugorje during the coming months, and we do not know how long her absence will last” Sister Emmanuel adds.
“We miss her a lot! But she remains with us, more than ever, with her heart and her ardent prayer! God is in charge, and we know that everything contributes to the good of those who love Him. Let us pray for Vicka, Mario and their two children!”

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