Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24, 2013 - Ivan's apparition at the Blue Cross

(c)Mary TV 2013
Medjugorje at night!

May 24, 2013

Dear Family of Mary!
The Mary TV team was able to stream, live, from the Blue Cross tonight!  Ivan's prayer group met at about 9:30 pm and prayed the Rosary together with many, many pilgrims.  Ivan asked at the beginning of the prayer that people put their flashlights away, and not take flash pictures, because it was time to pray.  So the hill was pitch black.  Therefore our camera was only able to pick up the far away lights, and an occasional flicker of candles, etc.  Still, in the darkness, we could hear the prayer of the Rosary and the silence when Our Lady came!  It was a peaceful and prayerful experience.

Here is an account of the apparition, sent by Ana Shawl to the IIPG. There was no message, but Ivan shared about his encounter with Our Lady this way:

Ivan just had his apparition at Blue Cross this evening. There were quite a few people there. They were there all up the hill around Blue Cross and down to the street.

People are still walking back to their pensions right now and it looks like a sea of flashlights throughout the paths leading through the vineyards.

Our Lady came tonight at about 10:00 pm.

Tonight Our Lady came to us happy and joyful and she gave us her motherly greeting of "Praised be Jesus my dear children."

After this, Our Lady prayed for quite some time especially for all those present who were Ill and after that she prayed over all of us here with her arms extended for a longer time.

And then, after this Our Lady prayed in a special way for peace in our families and for holiness in the family,

After this Ivan recommended everyone, all your needs, your petitions and your families and especially for the sick.

After this, Ivan had a private conversation with Our Lady.

After this Our Lady left in the sign of the light and the Cross with "Go in Peace my dear children."

God Bless you all. Let us all pray for Peace then in our families and for holiness in our families.


Thanks to our Mary TV team for their hard work in transmitting this apparition.  And thanks to all of you who joined us in welcoming Our Lady with the prayer group.  I believe many graces are available to us as we welcome Our Lady and spend time with her.   

God bless you all,
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV 2013 


 "Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world!"   
Blessed John Paul II  -
Be connected! 

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