Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mary TV: January 18, 2014 Update from Denis - "Queen of Peace"


 "Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world!"   
Blessed John Paul II  -
Be connected! 

January 18, 2014
Dear Family of MaryTV:

Monday night, January 20th, Christina Georgotas' celebrated film "Queen of Peace" will air at 8:00pm (EST in the US) as the 100th episode in MARY TV's "Fruit of Medjugorje" series. (It will also air again the following Monday, January 27th at 8:00pm, EST.)   

Young Marija sees Our Lady - from "Queen of Peace" 

And in response to requests from viewers throughout the world in different time zones we'll air it again Wednesday morning, January 22 at 8:00am (EST in the US, 2:00pm Medjugorje time) and again that same day, January 22, at 2:00pm EST, 8:00am Medjugorje time).  

Our thanks go to Christina, who sails with us on the digital sea and for long has been part of MaryTV's family.... (Christina gives her own testimony at: )

Besides our regular programming, which now includes streaming EVERY DAY the English Mass homily from Medjugorje, we're LIVE streaming every Sunday the parish's Rosary up Mt. Podbrodo (8:00am EST, 2:00pm Medjugorje time) and LIVE streaming every Friday the parish's Way of the Cross up Mt. Krizevac (again at 8:00am EST, 2:00pm Medjugorje time).

We've also begun LIVE streaming from Medjugorje EVERY DAY a half hour of Silent Prayer, 11:30am to 12:00 Noon EST (5:30pm to 6:00pm Medjugorje time) which includes the time of Our Lady's apparition (11:40 EST) and ends with the ringing of the bells of St. James signaling the prayer of the Angelus!

"Do not lose hope because God loves His creatures. He desires to save you, one by one, through my coming here," (3/25/03). MARY TV wants to increase LIVE streaming EVERDAY from Medjugorje, offering a LIVE connection to Mary's presence there!  

We're grateful to those who make this possible through their prayers and donations. Many of you, with limited income, are making the sacrifice of sending MARY TV $10 or $25 each month. Some of you send $5 and others $50 per month....

Four hundred and thirty people (430) donated to Mary TV last year. If we could double that number this year to 860 donors - MARY TV could finish our TV studios in Medjugorje and move on to the next level of putting at Our Lady's service modern communication technologies to bring her presence in Medjugorje - and her school in Medjugorje - to the world.

I'm asking everyone who receives this email....if you're not doing so already, to start sending a monthly donation - no matter how small - to Mary TV! (Go to our Donation link to give by credit card or bank transfer.  It is easy and secure. Or send your checks (US only) to: Mary TV, P.O. Box 899, Notre Dame, IN 46556. 

And if you're not able to send a donation yourself, take on the job of finding someone else who can! We have to double that number!  We are on the verge of being able to do a lot more for Our Lady!!! 

Thank you and God bless you!

Denis Nolan

MISSION STATEMENT: MARY TV is a lay apostolate founded to put at the Gospa's service (Our Lady's service) modern communication technologies to bring her presence in Medjugorje - and her school in Medjugorje - to the world.

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