Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Mary TV Daily Reflection 1/6/2015

 (c)Mary TV 2014 
January 6, 2015
St. Andre Bessette

Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children, I am here among you as a mother who desires to help you to come to know the truth. While I lived your life on earth I had knowledge of the truth, and by this alone, a piece of Heaven on earth. That is why I desire the same for you, my children...." (January 2, 2015)

Our Lady reminds us in many of her messages that she is with us, or she is here among us... Those of us who have been to Medjugorje report that while there one can really "feel" Our Lady's presence. She is not far away from us there.

Mother Mary also tells us that she is with us for a reason. That the Father has sent her to us for a reason. In this message from January 2, she tells us she is with us to help us to come to know the truth.

I want to share with you a short excerpt from Fr. Gabriel Amorth's book, "The Gospel of Mary", in which he discusses the presence of Mary and how she can be near to us. He also discusses her mission, why she is present among us. I find his explanation very clear and helpful:

Every privilege is given to Mary in view of a scope that exceeds the personal sphere; even her assumption does not escape this criteria. For that reason it was not conceded to Mary only to honor her person, but in view of a salvific event. Mary had received from Jesus a new mission which will last till the end of the world: her maternity over all humankind in the economy of salvation. Her mission on earth is not finished, as it is finished for other beings who can only contribute with their prayers in the communion of saints. For Mary this is not the case. It was therefore necessary that she be found in the totality of her person, body and soul, in order to carry out this new mission in our favor.

Now the body of Mary, like that of Jesus, is no longer tied to time and space. Therefore, their presence alongside each one of us is unceasing. To offer an example, think back to the various apparitions of the risen Lord. He gave the impression of entering and exiting a room even though the doors were closed. This has given rise on the part of theologians to efforts in understanding the properties of a risen body, among them subtlety. The reality is something different. Jesus told us clearly that he would remain with us always, even to the end of time, and so he is always present. When he wants to appear, he makes this presence visible; then, once he has achieved his purpose, he again renders himself unperceivable to our human senses. Still his presence continues.

The same thing happens with Mary. And even more, not only has her presence no limits in space and time, as they did when she lived on earth in only one place and for a limited amount of time like all of us; then even her activity could be limited by hours which pass and don't return. Now this is no longer so. Her maternal care over us has no limits and, as the Second Vatican council says, it is a work that will continue until all men are led into their blessed home (cf. LG 62).

In this way it is easy to understand the reasons and the consequences of the assumption of Mary. Assumed into heaven, she is alive and, as our true mother, is always at our side with a presence that is ever active even if we do not see it. Hers is a constant and total presence because it is no longer bound by the limits of space and time that she herself had during her earthly life. It is a maternal and efficacious presence in the order of salvation which we describe by the titles with which we address her: Mediatrix of all Graces, Refuge of Sinners, Advocate, Help of Christians...

Let us realize that Mary is always at our side and let us feel her near, even if we do not see her. On account of this, let us have continual and trustful recourse to her. We will know only in heaven how much we have cost her and what she has done for us, the dangers from which she has saved us, the inspirations that she has given us, the strength which she has infused in us, the graces she has obtained for us; and all this without our even being aware of it. Whoever reflects seriously on these truths, on the constant presence of Jesus and Mary at our side, will live full of confidence and will never suffer from a feeling of solitude. (Gabriel Amorth, SSP. "The Gospel of Mary, a Month with the Mother of God." P, 91-92)

Isn't this so helpful in understanding how Mary our Mother can say she is with us. She has been given the mission to be with us as  mother from Jesus on the Cross and from the Father, ever since her Assumption, body and soul, into Heaven. I am very comforted by this explanation. I know that the apparitions of Our Lady to the visionaries in Medjugorje are yet another special grace of her presence. Through the apparitions, she is building a great army of apostles for her works in the latter days. We need those apparitions. But she is also very much with each one of us, even though we can't see her. She has been given that mission too, by the Father. She is our Mother, she would rather be nowhere else but with her children!!!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2015

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

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