Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mary TV Daily Reflection 12/15/2011

ivan sees Our Lady in Vienna 2011
Ivan greets Our Lady at St. Stephens Cathedral, 2011
Used with permission from Christian Stelzer


December 15, 2011


Dear Family of Mary!   


Today I transcribed the beautiful talk given by Ivan Dragicevic at St. Stephen's Cathedral, November 17, 2011.  It is long, and maybe we have heard him say some of these things before, but I am always struck at how poignant and powerful the words of the visionaries are.  This may be a good day to savor them.


Ivan's talk at St. Stephen's Cathedral, November 17, 2011 (recorded by Mary TV): 


Your Emminence the Cardinal, dear priests, dear friends in Christ!


At the beginning of this encounter tonight, I want to welcome you all very heartily. In truth I am very happy to be here with you and I am here to tell you what Our Lady desires to tell us. I am very happy I can tell you what Our Lady really says. This is good news we can take with our heart and we can start to live what Our Lady is calling us to. Our Lady is coming to us like a mother, like a teacher. Tonight we have all come to school. We want to learn from her. We want to listen. We wish to become better people. That is why this Mother talks to us in very simple words for 30 years. She talks in a simple way so we can understand it as much as possible and we can live it in a good way. In the beginning of the apparitions the Gospa told us, "I have come, dear children, to tell you that God exists. That is why decide for Him. Put Him in your families; give Him the first places in your families. In Him you will find peace, security and shelter." In the Gospel Jesus tells us "Come all you who are weary and tired, I will give you peace, I will give you strength." We came to Jesus today, to find in Him peace. We came to Mass today, to Mass as the center of our life.


Now 30 years have passed, 30 years of grace. 30 years ago, the Gospa knocked on the door of my heart. She has chosen me to be her instrument, an instrument in her and in God's hands. For me and for my life and for my family, this is a great joy. But surely it is also a great responsibility. I know that God has given me a lot, but I also know that He wants a lot from me. I am aware of the responsibility that I carry. This awareness of responsibility I live every day. This is why I don't want you to see me as a complete person, as perfect, as a whole, because I am not. I am trying to become a better person, to become holy, to become a saint. This is my wish, my desire. This desire is very deep in my heart. Obviously I have not converted over night just because I have seen and am seeing the Gospa. My conversion is a continuing process; it is the way I have to travel in my life. I have to change every day, every day I have to decide against sin, evil, and let peace grow in me, to open myself to the Holy Spirit, to be open to the grace, to accept Christ in His words and in my life, and like that to grow in holiness.


For 30 years though this question comes every single day, "Mother why is it me? Mother, have you not found anyone better than me? Mother, am I able to live the way you really want me to?" There is not a single day when that question is not present to me. Once I was alone with the Gospa, and said, "Mother, why me? Why did you choose me?" And she smiled and she said, "My dear child, I don't pick the best always." After that I never asked that question again.


30 years ago, she signed my name in her school of peace, of love, of prayer. I want to be a good pupil in her school, a good boy. I want to do my homework as well as possible, that Our Lady gives me. I still [ask myself], why me? 30 years ago, Gospa why did you choose me, why me, why didn't you choose somebody else? Do you know why? I would not be here with you. I would have much more privacy, more private time. But we have to allow ourselves to enter into all the plans God has for us. We have to be open to the plans of God. We have to know how to be open and to recognize them. And to pray.


Believe me it is not easy, definitely not easy to be with the Gospa every day, to be with her and talk to her every day, to see the light of paradise and be with her every day. After having seen paradise with her and to go back into the normal world is very tough. If you would see the Gospa for just one seco

English: Image of Our Lady, Mother of Grace, T...

Image via Wikipedia

nd I don't know if life in this world would still be interesting. So big is her love. So beautiful is this Mother.


What are the most important things Our Lady calls to us over the last 30 years? What are the most important messages she gives us? You know that Our Lady has given many, many messages over these 30 years. I want to point out the most important messages with which Our Lady leads us: peace, conversion, a return to God, prayer of the heart, fasting and penance, strong faith, love, forgiveness, Eucharist, confession, the message of hope. Through these messages Our Lady leads us.


At the beginning of the apparitions she came as the Queen of Peace. Her first words were, "Dear children, I am here because my Son sends me to help you. Peace, peace, peace, only peace. May peace come upon this world. Dear children, peace must be among people and with God." Those were the first words. And through these first words we can see what the biggest wish the Gospa has, it is peace. Who could know it better than the mother? Look how important peace is for this very tired world. Look how peace is necessary in all our tired families. And look how necessary peace is for our tired young people, and in our tired church. The Mother comes as Mother of the Church, She wants to strengthen us. She wants to say, "Dear children, if you are strong then the church will be strong. If you are weak, then also the church will be weak. You are my living church. You are the lungs of my church." The Mother is coming to us, she wishes to help us, she wants to pull us up, she wants to encourage us. She wants to take away the tears on our faces. She wants to lead us on the way of hope. She wants to bring back into our tired world, hope, because our world is without hope, because we have left God. We have abandoned Him. We have put other things in His place. Mother is coming to us. She comes and brings us the divine medicine, the healing for our sicknesses. She wants to heal our sickness. She wants to put a plaster on our wounds with so much love, with so much tenderness, with motherly warmth. She is coming to us. She wants to lead us to her Son. Only her Son is the real and true peace.


In one message the Gospa said, "Dear children, today as never before, the world has created a future without God." This crisis is the sign of our times. The biggest crisis we have is the crisis of faith in God. We have distanced ourselves from God. We want to walk into the future alone. But the Gospa calls us, "Just with God, only with God, go into the future. Nothing can give peace to the world today. The world cannot give peace. You will be very quickly disappointed. Peace is only in God." This is why we must decide for Him. The Gospa is coming to us, and she says,"Dear children, prayer has stopped in your families." Prayer does not exist in your families. Parents do not pray with their children any longer. Families, you do not have time for each other anymore. Parents with children, children with parents, mother with father, father with mother. There is no love within families any longer. There are no values in families, in marriage. So many destroyed tired families. There is a moral decay. But our mother calls us, "Dear children, bring back prayer into your families. Pray together in your families. Put God in the first place in your families."Only with Him and only with prayer in the families can we expect that the world will become a better place, that families can heal, that society can heal, that friendships can heal. Because of the words of the Gospa, she tells us we need healing in society, in families, and then there will be more love. This is why Our Lady calls us to prayer. She comes to us because she wants to lead us out of darkness.


She wants to lead us out of darkness into light, to lead us into hope. She says, "Dear children, if you do not have peace in your heart, if mankind has no peace within, my dear children, then it is not possible that there is peace in the world. That is why I call you, dear children, don't talk about peace, live peace, don't talk about prayer, start to pray and live prayer. Dear children, only with the return of prayer into your hearts and into your families, families can heal and spiritually heal. The world and the families today need spiritual healing. Dear children, the world is sick in a spiritual way."


She is coming and she wants to help us. In the times we live today we encounter the word "recession". We talk about economic recession. In the world today, the societies, it is not just economic recession. The world today is in spiritual recession and Our Lady comes to us today to show us a new way, a new way to get out of this recession. She wants to get the sinful people out of this recession. She is a Mother who is concerned about our salvation. She says, "Dear children, I am with you, I am coming to you so that this is possible. But dear children, I need you. I need you. I can create the peace together with you. This is why dear children, decide for the good and fight against sin and evil. Defend yourself against sin and evil."


Mother speaks very simply, and she never gets tired. So in these 30 years I have renewed what I renew tonight. I never become tired myself. Every day I see the Gospa and she is never tired of tell us the same. You mothers, how many times have you told your children, "Be good, learn!"? A thousand times you have told your children. I hope you never get tired. Is there a single mother who can say "I am happy, I told my child only once and never had to repeat it again." This mother does not exist. Every mother has to repeat again and again. The mother has to repeat so the child does not forget. This is how the Gospa does it with us. She repeats so we do not forget. She didn't come to give us fear. She didn't come to punish us or tell us about the end of the world. She did not come to tell us about the second coming of Christ. She comes to tell us "Dear children, Jesus comes every day to give Himself to you. He comes every day in the Holy Mass. Come to Holy Mass. Make Holy Mass the center of your life."


In the beginning of the apparitions we six were together. We would meet with the Gospa. She would say, "Dear children, if you have to decide tomorrow to come to me, to encounter me or to go to Mass, then you should not come to me, but go to Mass." To go to Mass means to go to Jesus. Jesus gives himself to you at Mass. You should open yourself to Him, give yourself to Him, to accept Him. This is why the Gospa calls us so many times to go to Mass, so that Mass would become the center of our life.


Gospa calls us to go to confession once a month. Kneel in front of the Cross and adore the Blessed Sacrament, go to Adoration. In a special way she calls the priests to go to Adoration and to organize Adoration. Gospa calls us to pray the rosary in our families. She calls us to read the Bible in our families and in a special way, Gospa says, "Dear children, may the Bible have a visible place in your family. Read the bible. In reading the Bible, Jesus will be born anew in your hearts, your family. This is special nourishment for your families." Gospa asks us to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays on bread and water.


She says, "Dear children, if you knew how much I love you, you would cry for joy." So great is the love of the Mother. In truth, after every encounter with the Gospa, I can never put into my own words how she loves us. How she gives us the messages. She always turns towards us, all of us, all her children. This is the reason that her first words are always, "My dear children." She loves us all. We are all important and all necessary. Every time she says, "Thank you for having responded to my call."


But definitely one of the most important messages she has called us to over the last 30 years is prayer with the heart. So often she has said, "Pray, pray, pray, my dear children. Not mechanically out of tradition, but with your heart. Don't pray with the expectation that it will stop as soon as possible, that you have done your duty. To pray with the heart is to pray with love, for love, with your entire being. So it can become an encounter with Jesus Christ, so that the prayer will become a friendship with Him, becoming a friend of Jesus."


Then we will become full of joy and peace, with every word that we pray from our heart. That is why the Gospa says, "Dear children, may prayer be joy for you." The Gospa once said, "Dear children, to accept the message of mine with love, is to put it into action." The Gospa calls us that we receive her messages with love, and then we will be able to live them. The Gospa calls us to go into the school of prayer. "Dear children, if you are to go into the school of prayer, then you have to know that you have to go to school every day, because there are no weekends and no holidays." Every day we have to go to the school of prayer! "Dear children, if you would pray better then you have to pray more, and to pray more is always a personal decision. To pray better is a grace. To pray better is a grace given to those who pray more."


Many times we say we have no time, no time for families, for children, for Mass, and always we postpone it. But the Gospa says, "Dear children, you should not say always, I don't have time. The problem is not time, it is love, dear children. Because if dear children, you love something you will always have time for it. If you don't like it you will never find time for it."Without love we cannot have peace, without love we cannot pray. The message, accepted in love, becomes life. Throughout these years Our Lady wakes us up from the spiritual coma in which the world is now. She wants to strengthen us in our prayer and in our faith. Tonight with the encounter of Our Lady, I will pray for all of you here. All your needs you intentions, all your families. Open your hearts to your Mother. Let's go back to her and sit on her lap. Let's find security, safety and shelter with her. She as a Mother will pray for us.


The beauty of the Gospa is impossible to describe with words. She has a silver dress, a white veil, blue eyes, pink lips, black hair, she stands on a cloud and she has a crown of stars. I have to repeat, it is almost impossible with words to describe the Gospa. During one of our encounters with her we asked, "Mother why are you so beautiful?" She said, "I am beautiful, my dear children, because I love. Start loving my dear children, and you will be beautiful. Why don't you just start?"  I hope that we will decide today to love, that we will be better people. That we decide for the life our Mother calls us to. May this evening be a spiritual renewal for all of us. The time we live in is a time of responsibility. This is why we should take in a responsible way what Our Lady tells us. Let us take with responsibility what Jesus tells us. Let us decide to work with Him, with God to evangelize in our families, to work in the Church, to pray for priests, to pray in a special way for vocations in the Church. We shouldn't look for external signs. We need to be the living signs of a living faith.   Let us decide for peace, for God. May it be like that! Thank you all and may God bless you and may the Gospa travel with you.


In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

(c)Mary TV 2011 


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