This is my personal experience of, and witness to Medjugorje. I would like you to share this post to draw more attention to the best place on earth, so that others may have the opportunity to fall in love with Medugorje, Mother Mary, and ultimately Her beloved Son Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Day 5…

I woke up to discover I had a flat tyre on my buggy. I spent several minuets cursing myself for not taking my husband’s advice of taking the spare wheel, and then decided I was just going to have to get on with it!
After a taxi ride into town we went to mass. My 6-year-old leaned over to me and whispered “mummy I love Medjugorje - I don’t want to go home.” It melted my heart! And I told him that Our Lady wants us to go home and tell people how cool Medjugorje is!
After mass – as usual – we took the kids to Colombo’s for huge ice creams and lemonade! This is such a great part of coming to Medj that they don’t get everyday back at home.

Later that evening the heat had cooled down enough for me to take the kids to blue cross one last time. I had the girl on my back in a sling, and my boy was going up on his own. For some reason we seemed to just fly up those rocks this time. We never broke step and we were not even out of breath when we reached the top. When we arrived we saw everyone was turned round looking, pointing, and taking pictures of the sky. “no way!” I thought to myself “is it the sun?” I had a brief look but it seemed no different to normal. It was too bright to look at even with my shades on. And besides – the baby girl on my back was throwing a tantrum, destroying the silence by screaming her head off and hitting me in the back of the head! And my boy was trying to climb up the next part of the mountain!
I managed to call him back and get a nice unsuspecting Italian man to help me take the girl off my back.  I asked him “what are you looking at?” He said “sun, sun, look…” I gestured that I could not see anything. He ushered me too take off my shades, and then I saw it.

The sun had lost all of its yellow colour and had become this dull white, very slightly grey-ish flat disc, almost like a eucharist sitting in front of the sun. It was moving or spinning slightly – not going round like a Catherine wheel, but circulating in the same motion as if you were polishing a window with a cloth. There was no light coming from it, all the light was coming from behind it. Bright white light directly behind it and then colours. My son described it as “smudges of paint” and actually he is right in a way because if I were to try to draw it I think water-colour would be the correct medium. First it was crimson, then further out it was purple. Then it changed to bright green and then blue. It kept changing and even though the colours were incredibly vivid, it didn’t hurt our eyes to look at it.

After a few minutes of watching, my boy says to me “oh come on mummy, we’ve seen it now!” I laughed and told him “do you know this is a miracle?! God is letting us know he is here.” He asked me “is that God?” I said “it’s one of his signs.” He answered “oh. can we climb on the rocks now?!”  So we climbed on the rocks for a while, catching glimpses of this completely supernatural event. I don’t know what gave me more joy – to see the famous miracle of the sun, or to see my 6-year-old take it completely in his stride like it happened every day! My 2-year-old girl seemed more in awe of it – until she saw a small white cat and then decided that was much more interesting! Kids!! Although she was the one to come home and tell granny and uncle and auntie all about it. It would be difficult for a 2 and a 6-year-old to make this stuff up right? You get me? It happened. And I am so grateful we got to see it.

As we were making our way down the mountain we bumped into an Irish family who asked us if we could see the sun too. I said yes. The wife told me she also saw – in the middle of the dull white disk – a little boy of about 2 years of age. “just as if I was looking at him” she gestured towards her own toddler son. I was not lucky enough to see what she saw, but I am presuming the little boy was the child Jesus.
Soon after this the clouds came in and the miracle of the sun quietly and gently concluded.