Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mary TV Daily Reflection 12/19/2012

cross in sky over Medjugorje 8-12       
       (c)Josip Zubac 2012      



December 19, 2012


Dear Family of Mary!


O Root of Jesse, who stood as a sign for the people, before you kings shall remain silent, and to you the Gentiles shall make supplication: come to deliver us, and delay not. (Traditional "O" Antiphon)


"Dear children! I call you today and encourage you to prayer for peace. Especially today I call you, carrying the newborn Jesus in my arms for you, to unite with Him through prayer and to become a sign to this peaceless world. Encourage each other, little children, to prayer and love. May your faith be an encouragement to others to believe and to love more. I bless you all and call you to be closer to my heart and to the heart of little Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call." (December 25, 2001)


God uses signs. He reveals Himself with signs in many of the Old Testament stories. The Burning Bush was a sign of the presence of God for Moses on Mt. Sinai. God accompanied the Israelites as a Pillar of Fire by night and a Cloud by day, guiding them in the desert. Over and over again, God would guide His prophets and people through signs.


The Root of Jesse, the Messiah, worked many, many signs during his public ministry. Healings, conversions, deliverances, even resurrections..all these signs announced the presence of God, the power of God, in Jesus. But the greatest sign of all was Jesus, crucified and risen from the dead. This sign was not understood until the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles. And now it is the most powerful sign of deliverance and hope in the world.


We have also been given signs in our day. In Medjugorje the sun spins, rosaries turn golden color, the Cross on Krisevac spins and lights up, healings happen, conversions take place, and deliverances occur when Our Lady appears. These signs tell us that God is near to us, in our midst, through the intercession and presence of Mary.


But there are also signs we might not recognize at first. "Especially today I call you, carrying the newborn Jesus in my arms for you, to unite with Him through prayer and to become a sign to this peaceless world." We are becoming signs as well. As we unite with the newborn Jesus, through prayer, we become signs to the world that God exists, that peace exists, that hope exists, that healing is possible, and that life is eternal. We become signs to this peaceless world. Signs of the love of Jesus.


This reminds me of the testimonies that have been shared on "Fruit of Medjugorje". The generous people who have opened their hearts to us in these videos, are signs for us. They are signs of the power of God working in our world today to bring healing and restoration. I am very grateful for these testimonies. They are helping me very much to hope.


May we become signs for Jesus in this troubled and peaceless world. May we unite with the newborn Jesus, putting Him in the first place in our lives, through prayer and living Our Lady's messages! May we become signs of God's love!


In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

©Mary TV 2012


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