Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Magnificat Foundation
cordially invites you to

Professor of Philosophy at the Catholic University of America 
Words of Christ,
Words of the Church

New York University
Catholic Center
Saturday, May 17, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
A reception in honor of Cardinal Egan will follow the lecture.
The seating capacity is limited.
In order to receive complimentary tickets, please register at:

MSGR. ROBERT SOKOLOWSKI is widely regarded as one of the leading philosophers in the Catholic world. A longtime Professor at the Catholic University of America, he has authored ten books and many articles. His highly respected works have won him the Aquinas Medal from the American Catholic Philosophical Association. His most recent publication from Cambridge University Press offers a powerful reflection on truth and the human person.

Edward Cardinal Egan Catholic Center
New York University
Washington Square South
238 Thompson Street
New York City

The mission of the MAGNIFICAT Foundation is to magnify and share God's Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in all their forms. It promotes expressions of prayer and devotion to help others deepen their faith and grow in a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation at www.magnificatfoundation.com

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