Saturday, March 01, 2014

[March 2014] Monthly Message from Anne, a lay apostle

Direction for Our Times

We continue our cycle of monthly messages for 2014 with the message from March 1, 2006 for our prayer groups and personal reflection.
March 1, 2006 [2014]
Dear children, My words carry My love for you.  When you read My words, understand that I send them to you because I love you.  This entire mission is predicated on My love for you.  You must consider that I speak words in order to help you to accept My love and allow My love to change your heart.  Sometimes you listen to what I am saying but do not change your little heart and in this instance My words have not helped you. At other times, you allow these words to minister to your soul and then your little heart can change and soften, filling up with the divine and allowing the divine to direct you.  When this happens, when you allow My words and graces to alter the way you think and live, then this mission is a success.  The world is changing, dear apostle.  You make a decision to sit quietly with Me and listen to My words and that small act insures that the world will change because you are cooperating with Me.  My goals for you include only what is best for you and for the world around you.  In a time when many seek to direct you to My enemy, I have come to direct you to heaven.  This is a mercy, of course, and I know you are grateful.  God is consoled by the gratitude of His children.  I want you to use this message to take inventory of your priceless little soul.  Sit in silence with Me and rest in My perfect and complete love for you.  I accept you, My little treasure, in all of your imperfection.  Your sin does not discourage Me in the least.  Bring Me your sins.  Confess your sins.  Please do not think that because of your sins your Jesus could not love you.  I do love you, in all of your sin and pain. This mission of love is in existence because I love you.  I am speaking to you right now because I love you.  Dearest little apostle, you are chosen to work in this world intimately united to Me.  Will you say yes to Me?  Will you accept My tender and complete love for you and allow Me to soften your little heart?  Do not turn Me away.  I am your Jesus.  I have come for you.  Open your heart to Me in the smallest way and I will come to live with you forever.  I want only what is good for you and through what is good for you, I will renew the world.  Please, accept Me.

Direction For Our Times relies on donations to supplement the cost of publishing the messages. Currently, only 40% of the publishing cost is covered by the sale of the books. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Direction for Our Times (DFOT) is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to spreading God's messages as revealed in the Volumes.

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