Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mary TV Daily Reflection 3/13/2014

Confession in Medjugorje
Confess your sins... 
 (c)Mary TV 2013

March 13, 2014

Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children! In this time of renunciation, prayer and penance, I call you anew: go and confess your sins so that grace may open your hearts, and permit it to change you. Convert little children, open yourselves to God and to His plan for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call." (February 25, 2009)

During Lent we are called to repentance. We are preparing for the graces of Easter, and we need to "clean house"! As Our Lady says in this message, we need to confess our sins. When we go to confession, we approach Jesus in the person of the priest, and lay before Him all our sins, so that we can receive His great mercy and forgiveness. This humble act opens our hearts to the action of that mercy, and we are changed.

We may struggle before we go to confession, out of fear or shame or doubt. We may twist and turn, trying to summon up the courage to enter the confessional. But once we are there, the rest is easy really. The priest takes over and guides us through our confession, almost doing everything for us. Isn't it that way with God! All he asks is for us to be willing to confess, be willing to repent, and He sweeps us off our feet with His great love, and does it for us!

Here is something to think about from Fr. Alfred Wilson's book "Pardon and Peace". In terms of confessing our sins, we need to realize that they are not "news" to God!!

God's knowledge of our faults is independent of our knowledge or ignorance of them. Whether we know them or not, God knows them always. It is childish to presume that new knowledge of our faults on our part implies new knowledge on God's part; yet that is what we often do presume unconsciously. We are prone to imagine that new knowledge of our faults, which has made us seem very objectionable to ourselves, has suddenly made us very objectionable to God. Why should it? Those faults have been as clear as daylight to Him all along. Before we discovered our faults, we believed and trusted in His goodness (or thought we did!); there is absolutely no reason why we should cease to trust Him now. The only change on God's side (if one can speak of change in God) is that he recognizes that we are now less of liars than we were, and so loves us more because we are becoming more honest.

Such childish mistakes show that we have seldom looked out of the windows of our soul at the sky of God's immensity, and, in consequence unwittingly apply to God's immense, limitless love the span-measure of our own very limited love, and become guilty of some childish fallacies and non-sequiturs.

Here is a specimen of our logic. The unconscious assumption is that God's love is on a par with our own and that because finite love is upset, therefore infinite love must be upset. It would be far more logical to argue that because a baby cannot lift a fifty-pound weight, therefore the strongest man could not lift it.

We must try to realize the practical implications of the fact that God's love is infinitely greater than our own. We must also try to appreciate the practical implications of the Incarnation and Redemption. That fault, which has suddenly upset us, was foreseen by Jesus and, instead of being embittered by it, He actually made atonement for it in advance. Such is our faith. By childish worry about our fault, we are implicitly saying; "But surely, he didn't really know how bad it is?" Let us not imply by our conduct that we think that our Savior did not know what He was doing when He redeemed us! Let us not fix limits to the limitless mercy and goodness of God. If we are to face our faults with tranquility, we must dig deep and real foundations for our hope. (Fr. Alfred Wilson, C.P. "Pardon and Peace" from Chapter VI)

"Convert little children, open yourselves to God and to His plan for each of you." God's plan is so good we can't imagine it! But we must let Him into our hearts, we must let Him love us, even in our sinfulness, so that we can be changed. This is the time to let Him in, the time to receive His mercy and love and be changed!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2014


 "Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world!"   
Blessed John Paul II  -
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