Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Satanic Black Mass With Consecrated Host Planned at Harvard University

What the hell is Harvard thinking?—UPDATED
Harvard University
Harvard University (Photo credit: omerka)

May 7, 2014 By Deacon Greg Kandra
Yes, it’s true.
Elizabeth Scalia has confirmed it: the The Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club is indeed hosting a Black Mass Monday night. And the group staging this event, The Satanic Temple, has announced plans to use a consecrated host.

The Extension School issued a vague and rather passive aggressive statement about this “controversial event,” without actually saying what the event is, or even mentioning what it entails or why it might be in the least bit controversial. It’s an independent group, they say. We don’t endorse it, they say.  They can do what they want, they say.
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